I’m a voluntaryist.

What that essentially means is that my organizing moral principle is non-harming, “ahimsa,” or more commonly known as the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP).

This principle is that to initiate force or to initiate the threat of force is immoral. Self-defense and defense of private property is ok.

Obviously there are an infinite number of complex scenarios where things can get fuzzy, however, this basic principle is my guiding moral compass.

In our culture, many people talk about creating situations that are “win-win.” This means that as a result of interacting or transacting, both parties win– that is to say that both parties feel good about the outcome of the situation.

Where I believe classical libertarians often fall short is in consideration of the greater whole, that is of the greater collective community, and of the natural ecosystem of the earth.

It is not enough for me and you both to win if our neighbors and our fellow humans lose. It is also not enough if people win but the earth loses, because the earth is, after all, our mother.

In order for our interactions and transactions to be truly optimal, I invite consideration of the Triple Win where We All Win.

The We-Win!

Let us always strive to live our lives in this way, honoring more of the totality of our Being.

