Living your purpose doesn’t require that every aspect of your life is aligned RIGHT NOW with your ultimate future vision for your life.

In fact, if you’re a highly growth-oriented person, which is likely if you’re reading this blog, your vision of your future life will likely always be bigger than your present circumstances!

This doesn’t have to be a contradiction at all. This doesn’t have to stop you from LIVING THE DREAM right now.

So you choose to work, for as long as it takes, a job that your heart is not fully in love with, so that you can pay your bills.

The KEY is that you are making consistent progress toward your goals, toward your vision, toward your dream.

If you are doing the best you can do, then don’t try to whip yourself harder. Recognize what IS the best you can do, and be clear about that with yourself.

Maybe the best you can do is 30-60 minutes a day building your dream life, especially after 8-9 hours at the day-job plus dealing with house chores or errands or whatever. Maybe it’s just a couple hours on the weekend. The point is that whatever it is, congratulations if you spend THAT AMOUNT OF TIME working on YOUR business/YOUR dream because you’re doing the best you can do and you can’t do any better than that!

Giving it your ALL is another key

If you know that you could be doing more, really, then you’ll won’t be fooling yourself.

Look, you’ve got to SLEEP enough (and optimize your sleep so you can possibly need less of it–there are lots of ways to do this, just do a quick internet search for “optimize sleep”). You’ve got to make time for the nutrients of life, which include quality social time, play time, down-time, exercise, eating, etc.

The KEY to giving it your ALL in a sustainable way is not burning yourself out because if you burn yourself out then the quality of your ALL drops substantially, and you make much less progress toward your goals than you would have if you kept more of a slow-and-steady pace to win the race.

But don’t think you can fool your subconscious into thinking you are giving it your all, in other words, doing your very best, if you are not doing so. Your subconscious knows.

And if you are accepting less than your best from yourself, you will KNOW it at some level, and you will feel the internal dissonance or general negative feelings associated with that, however subtle.

When you give your dreams your ALL then you will feel the emotional results of this. You will feel satisfied.

Be patient because Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Be content with putting one foot in front of the other.

Again, figure out if you are doing the best you can do if and if you are then congratulate yourself and keep it up!

After all, if you are doing your best then what more could you be doing? If you are doing your best then you might as well tell yourself that you are living the dream right now because there’s no other dream you could be living at the moment.

A healthy dose of self-acceptance opens up a lot of opportunities for more.

What you appreciate appreciates

When you cultivate a sense of gratitude, contentment, satisfaction, and happiness for your daily life as it is right now, today, even though it’s different from where you want to be, you actually invite better circumstances into your life.

Better circumstances are waiting for those who are already grateful for what they have now and where they are right now.

Your physical, external circumstances are a reflection of your energy and consciousness. And you are the director, the sovereign agent of your energy, to the extent that you are open anyway.

When you take great care of your energy, your life circumstances will reflect that back.

All of us have traumas which distort and block the flow and abundance of life from reaching us.

One of my favorite teachers says that you cannot lose love, you can only lose your awareness of love.

So we need practices which open our awareness back up. “Trauma” is another way of saying “blockage.” We have all created subtle and not so subtle blockages of life which may not be serving our best interests anymore.

A good embodiment meditation practice, a good qigong practice, breathwork, psychedelics or a skilled coach can help you let go of blockages.

Ideally, you implement all of the above and then some!

A good Network Spinal Analysis Chiropractor can also do wonders for helping you release the tension stored in the tissues of your body.

There are many ways to open up the flow of life (which occurs first in the body) and to release blockages to awareness, receptivity, abundance and joy.

Adopt (a) quality practice(s), patiently and consistently, and know that you will reap the rewards of your practice.

Life itself is a practice, so practice living your purpose, living the dream. No matter what your current circumstances may be, just do your best.



P.S. Sometimes it is immensely helpful to work with a skilled and experienced life coach such as myself to get personalized clarity on what your purpose is and how to “do your best” on a consistent basis, so that you can feel the full satisfaction that comes from this. If you or someone you know might like to massively upgrade their Vitality, align more fully with their Life Purpose or experience better results with Dating or Relationships, send them here!